Ozean Political Blog

A political blog about digital media, data, research and consulting.

Best Books of 2022 for political practitioners

Introduction So begins the 30 day blogging challenge.  My thought is to start with an easy one and ease into it. A graduate student asked me what book I read this year that I would recommend to practitioners of political affairs. Seeing that I have seeming spent a...

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Alachua County and Single Member Districts

Alachua County and Single Member Districts

Overview For the most part, voters in Alachua County performed about as one would expect. Of all campaigns that were partisan and county wide, Democrats averaged 58% and Republicans averaged 42% of the vote.  This is in-line with historic returns going back to 1996....

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How to use Digital Advocacy to Change Minds

How to use Digital Advocacy to Change Minds

"How does one change someone's mind?" As in the past, some of the best blog topics come from friends via email. This question, "How does one change someone's mind?" was asked in the context of the current COVID debate.  However, it spurred a much longer, deeper...

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Affective Partisanship – Why do you hate me?

Affective Partisanship – Why do you hate me?

I hope you had a great 4th of July.  As a true nerd, I spent some time looking at American National Election Studies (ANES) data.  For those unfamiliar with the data, it began at the University of Michigan and now is a jointly done with Stanford.  The survey research...

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Ranked Choice Voting – I am starting over!

As with some projects, and especially some coding projects, it is better to shut the lap - top and go for a walk.  Then start all over. That is where I find myself now. I was doing some additional research in how to account for ties: There are three ways - three...

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Ranked Choice Voting – I am about to give up

Ranked Choice Voting – I am about to give up

I am frustrated.  What should have been an easy 1-2-3 project has turned into a mess. It seems by offering people ranking, people are getting to the point of "throwing" away their votes - even may be enjoying it. Just when I think we are making progress towards...

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