The Taylor Swift and Politics Post – A Study on the Impact of Celebrity Engagement on Civic Participation

Written by: Alex Patton
Political Research


 AOL - Taylor Swift's Era's Tour has broken huge records in... | FacebookAs the father of a daughter who had Tay Tay on repeat 24/7, I wouldn’t call myself a full-blown Swifty—but I’ve definitely been Shake It Off-ed into submission.

More importantly, Taylor Swift’s most recent venture into political activism got me thinking: what happens when pop stars go from topping the charts to trying to have an effect on the political process?

Time to explore how much sway our favorite celebrities really have when it comes to politics!


The research:

Title: Celebrities Strengthening Our Culture of Democracy: A Study on the Impact of Celebrity Engagement on Civic Participation

Link: Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation – Harvard Kennedy School

Peer Review Status: This study is not a peer-reviewed academic paper but part of the Ash Center’s Policy Brief Series.

ASPA Citation: Spillane, A. (2024). Celebrities Strengthening Our Culture of Democracy: A Study on the Impact of Celebrity Engagement on Civic Participation. Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation, Harvard Kennedy School.


Celebrities have long shaped American culture, influencing everything from what we buy to what we care about.

The study focuses on a more critical aspect of their influence: boosting voter participation and civic engagement.  It expores  how celebrities use their platforms to engage fans in the democratic process, leveraging their fame to increase voter registration, participation, and overall civic engagement.


The research draws on interviews with 15 participants, including managers, publicists, nonprofit partners, and celebrities. It also analyzes data from 10 different civic engagement initiatives by notable celebrities such as Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish, and Kerry Washington. These initiatives vary in approach—some primarily used social media while others integrated offline efforts such as concerts and events.


  •  Celebrities are effective in encouraging voter registration and participation. For example, Taylor Swift’s 2018 Instagram post led to 65,000 new voter registrations in 24 hours.
    • note:  within hours of Taylor Swift’s post about endorsing VP Harris in the 2024 election – the General Services Administration told ABC News that more than 330,000 people had visited the voter registration link shared by Swift.  (source:  ABC News)
  • Activations, like Ariana Grande’s voter registration booths during her 2019 tour, signed up over 33,000 voters.
  • Celebrities like Questlove and Kerry Washington have also spearheaded large-scale efforts to recruit poll workers and promote voting, contributing to significant spikes in civic action.

The impact varies based on authenticity and alignment with the celebrity’s existing brand. When executed well, these initiatives benefit both democracy and the celebrity’s public image.

Critiques of the Research

While the study provides valuable insights, there are limitations:

    1. The sample size of case studies is relatively small and mostly focused on high-profile celebrities.
    2. The study could benefit from more granular data on long-term voter engagement beyond the initial mobilization effort.
    3. There’s little focus on the potential negative backlash celebrities might face from politicizing their brand, which could affect their broader fanbase.  After all Michael Jordan famously said about his absence from politics “Republicans buy shoes too!”

Future research could expand to include more detailed metrics on the effectiveness of these initiatives over time and explore the dynamics of celebrity-led civic engagement in smaller-scale, local efforts.


The study concludes that celebrities play a meaningful role in encouraging civic participation.

Their ability to attract media attention and connect with diverse audiences makes them powerful allies in promoting voter engagement.

The key takeaway is that when celebrities engage authentically, they not only benefit democracy but also enhance their own public standing.

So to sum it all up, I am not saying Tay Tay is in charge of the world, but I wouldn’t cross her.


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