How divided is Florida?

Written by: Alex Patton
Political Research

I went to bed last night thinking about about DecisionDeskHQ’s attempt to make a nationwide precinct map.  It is a challenging and cool project.

Thinking about this as I slumbered, I awoke wondering just ‘how divided are we in Florida at the precinct level’?  

Thanks to the great state of Florida, we have precinct level results, and over morning coffee, I found my answer.

The answer:  Pretty damn divided.  

If you consider a precinct “competitive” if separated by 10% or less, then few Floridians live in precincts that are competitive – the median difference in the 2016 POTUS election is 28% in Florida.    

Only 18% of Florida’s precincts had Clinton and Trump within 10% of each other.


Almost half (46%) of Florida’s precincts resulted in the difference between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton being greater than or equal to 30%.

P.S.  The data is below, and now you know what nerds do on Saturday mornings before their kids wake up.


This is a histogram of the absolute value of the difference between the Clinton% and Trump% of the vote total.

Note:  (I dropped the random precincts that are less than .01 and greater than .99)

Here are the summary statistics:

Valid Missing
N Percent N
5688 100.00% 0
Statistic Std. Error
Mean 0.32285 0.003074
95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 0.316824
Upper Bound 0.328876
5% Trimmed Mean 0.309017
Median   0.277699
Variance 0.054
Std. Deviation 0.231816
Minimum 0
Maximum 0.982301
Range 0.982301
Interquartile Range 0.315587
Skewness   0.804 0.032
Kurtosis -0.083 0.065

Precinct by category

Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent
0-10% 1010 17.8 17.8
10-20 1033 18.2 35.9
20-30 1035 18.2 54.1
30-40 849 14.9 69
40-50 568 10 79
50-60 399 7 86
60-70 286 5 91.1
70-80 210 3.7 94.8
80-90 194 3.4 98.2
90-100 104 1.8 100
Total 5688 100


Sum of Votes cast by Precinct Category

Category VotesCast % of total
0-10% 1739609 19%
10-20 1732374 19%
20-30 1920034 21%
30-40 1454646 16%
40-50 909401 10%
50-60 578875 6%
60-70 367632 4%
70-80 225290 2%
80-90 228293 2%
90-100 121634 1%
Total 9277788 100%

You can download my cleaned data at: gitHub or at


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